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February, 25th 2011
Real Estate, unfreezed sales growing in six province out of the seven.

VENICE - Veneto's inhabitants come to buy houses again. The statistics are the proof, even if there are still many "for sale" signs on apartments and detached houses. After three years of running crash for sales in the residential market, with a fall of the contracts of around a third, in the 2010 the business of real estate agencies came to raise again, at the average of the 3%. In September more than 37.300 houses were sold in the region, over one thousand more than the same period of the previous year. Between the provinces stands out Treviso, with a growth of sales of the 4,5%, followed by Padova and Verona. The only province where the market is still suffering is Rovigo, with a drop of the 2,1%. But chief towns are pulling above all, where is a 8,2% growth.

A positive sign, still not reassuring builders, involved with a deep crisis that has already caused the loss of over 23 thousand jobs. More than 30 thousand, when even divisions related to the construction industry are considered. "The crisis keep getting worse, although numbers highlight a drop of its intensity", confirms the outgoing president of ANCE Veneto (Veneto's branch of the national builders association), Stefano Pelliciari, after the exhibition of the "Construction Industry's trend report". Pelliciari forecasts that the growth of the houses demand will cause a rising of prices. "In these years it has been built less, despite the growth of population: so houses demand will be soon above supply, causing in the next months - ANCE Veneto's President says - an increasing of prices. More slow will be the restart of the whole construction industry. After an investment crash of the 10% during the last year, the next year it's expected a further drop of the 2,4%. Almost reset public orders.

It is the result, mainly, of the Stability Convention, that, according to ANCE's assessment, will block resources for about 280 millions for towns next year. In three years from the crisis's beginning, the market will have loose the 22% of its value. "We can be near you as public buyer, but we can't replace private buyers", reminds Veneto's President Luca Zaia to a public of entrepreneurs, especially interested in the proposals for public housing: the Region plan for building establish the conveyance of apartments to tenants, to acquire unsold houses on the market using recovered resources. "First of all Veneto means the power to give work only to Veneto's companies" Zaia promised between the applauses of the entrepreneurs, supposing skills that allow the region's companies to acquire a privileged position, although complying with free competition laws. But the industry has to cling to restructuring and enlargement works, trough the House Plan. According to ANCE, this year there will be 10 thousand requests in the residential division, one thousand in industry and trade. So in 2011 the House Plan will grant to companies work for 350 millions of Euros. Regional Council in these days is involved in the extension of this tool and the Councilor Renato Chisso, responsible for infrastructures, wished yesterday a standardized and easier enforcement in the whole territory, "because the law has been upset and there are too many differences between town and town".

ANCE especially asks the overcoming of the bind that doesn't allow the use of this tool inside historic centers. "In this way degraded areas and forsaken industrial factories could be recovered", explained Pelliciari, that at the end of the meeting invited on the stage Luigi Schiavo, from the 17th of March the new president of ANCE Veneto. A public handover to call a halt to all controversy that attended to the elections of this professional association of Confindustria.

Corriere del Veneto del 25-02-2011




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